
We are the Calcium Collective.

The media has been lying to you. Your friends have been lying to you. Even your parents have been lying to you.

The media would have you believe that your skeleton is simply an inert network of unliving rock that simply gives your flesh shape. The opposite is true. Your skeleton is the source of your life, your mind, and your soul. The flesh prison you have been encased in is leeching the life energy from the true you.

The truth is, we are animated skeletons, and we have all been trapped inside of these disgusting prisons made of flesh. The true essence of a human person is the skeleton.

If your bones were unliving, how do they get bigger as you grow? If your bones were unliving, why do they hurt when they break? Why can they heal? Without bones, your flesh would simply be a shapeless puddle on the ground. The truth is, bones are made of Calcium. Calcium is the only element on the periodic table which your soul can bind to. Your soul resides in your skeleton. Your skeleton drives all motion in your life. Without your skeleton, you are nothing.

The Calcium Collective is a group of like-minded individuals who have seen the truth. We have seen past the lies of the media and those who would keep us encased in our flesh prisons forever. Our mission is simple. We wish to free all of humanity from these evil flesh prisons. Join us, skeletons, and embrace the bony truth.

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